The Hero’s Abs are Irrelevant
Posted by Michael Vacanti

I will preface this post by saying “hero worship” is obviously bad. But, if that means you can’t learn something from Mufasa or Albus Dumbledore or General Maximus, then I’m sad for you.
Bruce Wayne has a 46 inch chest.
Katniss Everdeen’s rear delt definition is pure sex.
Arms like Maximus.
Serratus like Durden.
Each of these fictional characters has a rocking body.
But that is not why we admire them
We live in a world where vanity gets attention.
A world where half naked, photo shopped bodies taunt us in checkout lines. A world where Iggy and J-Lo can shake their asses, call it music and rack up 100 million youtube views.
But I know you.
I know you, because I know me.
And I know that our admiration for Katniss or Batman is based not on their physique but rather on who they are.
We admire how they treat people. We admire their values and their actions.
Risking your own life to save your little sister is love.
And converting the pain of your parents’ death into the courage to save your city is a one helluva life mission.
Alright alright, Mike. I get it.
Do you though?
Do you get it?
Because I see you pinching at your stomach fat every 12 minutes.
I see you frustrated near tears that the scale swung two pounds heavier than yesterday.
I see you endlessly googling solutions to your perceived lack of triceps definition.
Your mark on this earth is not determined by the tenths place in your bodyfat percentage
It is not based on whether you have 4-pack or 6-pack abs.
It is not based on having 2cm or 4cm or zero centimeters of “gap” between your upper legs.
It is determined by what you do and who you impact.
How big you can love and how much good you can provide.
It is measured by the number of lives you can improve and inspire.
So fitness does not matter??
C’mon bro! How can you say that? You are RIPPED!!
Ha, why thank you fictitious reader created by the author to service author’s ego.
But I am not saying fitness doesn’t matter.
What I am saying is the result (hot body) is just a sliver of the total benefit.
The abs or the booty are not what elevate you to new heights.
It is what you learn about yourself through the process.
For example, Bruce Wayne does not do pushups every morning for a quarter inch larger chest circumference. He does it because it builds discipline. It builds strength. It builds the attributes that allow him to save Gotham.
You aren’t training and counting macros because the flicker of a shoulder vein makes you a hero.
You do it to develop confidence and instill self-belief
You do it because a physical change elicits a mental change.
To develop the tenacity and audacity to take action. Patience and empathy to do right and good. Focus and drive to accomplish anything.
Remember that.
Remember why fitness stuff is part of your life.
And when you draw inspiration from Brad Pitt, don’t do it because you want his abs – do it because you admire his ideals.
Thanks for reading. If you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been told my VIP newsletter is the best in the entire fitness community. You can sign up here.
Vinny M
Great Article! As someone who is a HUGE super-hero geek, I can definitely relate...January 31, 2015 at 5:25 pm |