Equals & Alternatives Episode 19: Starbucks Blueberry Oatmeal and Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Posted by Michael Vacanti

[2:51] Carb choices with higher fiber content are probably better.
[3:13] Since oatmeal and Cinnamon Toast Crunch are pretty close in macros and fiber, eat whichever tastes better to you.
[4:02] Cost per serving is cheaper for a box of cereal, but oatmeal “to-go” is a much more portable and convenient option.
Thanks for watching.
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Jen Martin
Hmmm fashion…..I think your choice to wear the six shirts day in and out is fashion. It makes a statement, maybe not in the way caring about what is current and stretching the budget to stay current with whatever cockamamie fad is out there, but it does make a statement. It makes a bold fashion statement in fact. Fashion, even the tried lack of, says something about who you are. It speaks in ways that are unavoidable. I digress to the question on hand: what do I think about fashion? I like it. Plain and simple it makes people watching all the more enjoyable. For example, gym wear, best entertainment EVER! (disclaimer: I only people watch during warm ups and stretching :) For me personally though, I try to not embarrass the children and, I try to leave the house looking like I'm loved and that I love myself. Other than that I feel like fashion can be a rat race. Still like it.April 14, 2015 at 12:46 am |