Don’t Make This Mistake When Hiring An Online Fitness Coach
Posted by Michael Vacanti

Dear 14 to 55 year-old male,
Thank you so much for applying for coaching!
I am truly honored.
But there was one problem in your “goals” section:
And Mike, what I really want is your physique!
You probably saw me shirtless on snapchat or youtube.
You see what I eat everyday and hear me talk about my workouts, so it would make sense that following my fitness ideology would get you the same results.
But we are all different.
You Cannot Look Like Me (or anyone else)
Limb length.
Symmetry of abs.
Distribution of fat storage to different body parts.
And one thousand other factors, my man [1].
For example:
Photo taken this morning – April 2nd, 2016

Please follow me on snapchat immediately: mikevacanti
I have been eating 4,000 calories every single day for the last 250 days.
The scale is up 11 pounds (184 in this photo).
So, I absolutely should not have a six pack at this stage in my bulk!
But I do.
Because we are all different.
Now, I am going to take a little bit of credit:
- I keep dietary fat low on training days
- I hit a bit of cardio for improved insulin sensitivity
- I train as if every P.R. could bring back Cedric Diggory [2]
But the truth is, even I am not entirely sure why I look this good deep in my bulk [3].
So to let you believe that hiring me will give you my body is not only morally grey, but I would deem it morally adjacent to a “fake natty” steroid user pushing a “buy these supplements & achieve my physique” scam.
Let that really sink in for a minute.
Now, I might still be a good coach for you.
In fact, I think a coach should live out his or her fitness philosophy.
But when choosing a coach, there are factors much more important than that coach’s physique.
A few I personally like:
- Intelligence
- Work ethic
- Ability to communicate
- Integrity
- Client results
- Style of coaching
- Care & compassion
There are obviously other important qualities; those are just my favorite.
So, if you still want to work together, cool.
Just don’t think that four months of training will give you my body.
ps I want to give a heartfelt thank you to anyone who reads my blog.
I promised you guys one article per week since early January, and I have been delivering. But to be honest, I am not happy with the quality of most of the posts. I am working hard at time management, so I can write better and more helpful content. But I truly appreciate you sticking with me.
Hi Mike, I am really enjoying your blog reads and no need to apologize. It is rather appreciated that you find the time for some updates even in busy times. I like most that reading your blog that besides the motivation to get into a healthy nutrition and workout routine your writing feels really honest and real! Trank you! Sebastian (from Munich, Germany)April 3, 2016 at 8:47 am |