Full Of Shit
Posted by Michael Vacanti

It’s hard work…
I’m actually lazy..
I talk a big game but I’m full of shit.
My face got hot.
And my stomach knotted in pain.
I wanted to scream and punch something and explode, because the words hit me in such a raw place.
My behavior does not align with my stated goals
I want to have massive reach and help millions of people.
But I don’t execute.
That misalignment of intention and action is the kind of chasm that will create a nauseating void in one’s life.
A sickening regret.
A wasted gift for fear of failure.

let it all through..
Now, grind-grind-grind is NOT for everyone
I wish I wanted to settle down with a Minnesota girl and have three kids and BBQ on Sundays and play below-average right field for the Kekembas.
But I don’t.
I recognize in my clearest moments that the harder I work, the happier I am.
The problem: most moments aren’t so clear. Usually, my lizard brain selects mindless content consumption over the next item on my to-do list.
Luckily, I know myself. And I know how to win here.
Reverse Bet II
Because this blog is already sufficiently polluted with non-fitness drivel, one most post can’t hurt.
Plus, I need you guys for a reverse bet to work.
Like betting my net worth on one article per week.
If I didn’t publish this… I simply would not follow through.
If I don’t execute my plan, I will get “I’M LAZY” tattooed on my left rib cage in 1-inch bold font.
My plan is simple.
Create content where attention exists.
I have a list, and I’m going to complete that list every day until I turn 30 years old (April 8th, 2017).
The reason I am not currently executing is because I fear not being good enough.
But the objective side of me knows that 365 shots @87% is greater than 114 shots @99%
Perfection ruins creators.
My barrier is to GO.
To post. To publish. To upload. To finish shit every day.
So that’s what I’m going to do.
PS: I didn’t promote this post.
No email, tweet, or snap mention.
If you are here, you made several intentional clicks through my website and read all the way to the bottom.
(thank you)
PPS: I was going put a face tattoo on the line, but when you combine my hate for laziness and love for my own serratus anterior, this might be even more motivating.
Go Mike! You can do this. Me the consumer is already enjoying the bump of your (video) posting productivity. For me you are inspiring and a reminder to not slack, work when needed and always take the stairs. Good luck!May 8, 2016 at 4:04 am |