“Mike, how’d you do it?”
Posted by Michael Vacanti

I feel like a dickhead writing this.
Because it implies I have “made it” or “figured it out.”
And I haven’t.
But every single day I get emails and texts and facebook messages from guys who want advice.
So, here you go.
The two things I’ve done to get “here”
#1 Love what you’re doing and work your ass off.
I work on planes. I work in taxis. I work on new year’s eve. I work at five in the morning and nine at night.
It wasn’t always like this – I didn’t always have a mission. So, actionable advice would be to read Steven Pressfield’s Turning Pro and Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crush It. Both helped me a lot.
You need to understand that work does not feel like work for me.
I enjoy emailing coaching clients more than I enjoy a trendy new year’s party.
It isn’t discipline or drive or any impressive quality that I’m exercising. I simply love the hell out of my work.
#2 Give no fucks about watches, cars and girls
Having enough money is huge.
To alleviate financial worry is paramount to your success. It frees up mental space to focus on your mission.
But most people don’t reach this level of net worth for decades, if at all.
The fastest and easiest way you can get there is to follow #1 (do the work) while not spending excessively.
If you are distracted by bling-bling and extravagant dinner dates, and impressing people with your $500 shoes or jeans or scarf, you are not only losing time but you are also delaying financial comfort.
And when I say “girls,” I am not referring to love or connection or even pleasure. I am talking about sex as a distraction. The kind of sex men pursue out of boredom, to feed their ego and offer validation.
That’s it. I know it seems simple and straightforward. But do the damn work, and keep your nose clean.
If you want more detail, you can read my post 40 rules to live by. But in a nutshell, follow these two steps and in time you’ll be “here.”
Thanks for reading. If you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been told my VIP newsletter is the best in the entire fitness community. You can sign up here.
Sex is very distracting. What do you do? Have a girlfriend? I found myself to be very productive when I had a consistent girl friend. Being single I'm always on the chase!January 9, 2015 at 5:50 pm |