I Still Have A Soul
Posted by Michael Vacanti

What’s your excuse? .
What’s your excuse? .
Nate shouted it for the 15th time. At 2:30am, while copy/pasting numbers on Microsoft Excel in our hotel room, the 50 Cent quote was as entertaining as it was motivating. “Sleep is for those people who are broke!” (4:48) Save this video for preworkout time and continue to knowledge below . I think this soundbite… Read more
You know what is more inspirational than Rocky v Ivan Drago? You mean the Soviet Union flipping on their own guy and cheering for the USA mid Cold War? Uh huh, I do. Stallone’s ACTUAL story. Worth your 10 minutes, trust me. .
Listen, what other people think about you is none of your business. You need to disregard their opinions if you ever want to behave with absolute confidence. This is the key to being a genuine version of yourself – the best version of yourself. Mike Tyson . Maybe you think Mike Tyson is a certified… Read more
The free weight section of the gym is an intimidating place for beginners. Hiding near the inner-thigh squeeze machine or the cardio equipment feels safer than venturing into the unknown. Huge men in tank tops are lurking in that unfamiliar territory. They grunt, drink water by the gallon and through the chalky air appear to be real… Read more
It’s an amazing drug. There are times we feel invincible, super-human, unbreakable. We lose common sense and forget our limitations; we focus with tunnel vision to achieve true clarity or creativity. Combine caffeine with the right song and it’s game over. Deadlift PR or 15 page term paper – it doesn’t matter. No challenge is unfeasible…. Read more
Depending on when you grew up, you likely know Will Smith as one of the following: Goofball . Rapper . Most likely, movie star . Maybe all three. Regardless, you cannot argue that his career has been wildly successful. Something you probably don’t know about Will Smith: The man is one of the hardest workers in… Read more
Lakes, pool parties and BBQs – summer is coming. It’s swimsuit time. Maybe you want to add mass to your shoulders and chest. Maybe you want to tighten things up or “tone” (read: fat loss). We’re gonna get into all that fun stuff here. We covered calorie counting and estimating caloric maintenance in part I…. Read more
First and foremost, let’s understand and accept this: . Calories Consumed – Calories Expended = Weight gain/loss . For a refresher on the subject, check out my Beginner’s Guide. Counting Most people view calorie counting as an obsessive, neurotic, annoying thing to do. In most cases, I tend to agree. Diet and exercise should be… Read more