. If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) Watch previous: Episode 4 Watch next: Episode 6 Episode 5: Thanks for watching. If you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been told my VIP newsletter is the best in the entire fitness community. You can sign up here.
. If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) Watch previous: Episode 3 Watch next: Episode 5: . Episode Four . Thanks for watching. If you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been told my VIP newsletter is the best in the entire fitness community. You can sign up here.
. If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) Watch previous: Episode 2 Watch next: Episode 4 . Episode Three Thanks for watching. If you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been told my VIP newsletter is the best in the entire fitness community. You can sign up here.
. Watch Episode #2 here: If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) . Mike Vacanti is a writer, entrepreneur, online fitness coach and trainer for Gary Vaynerchuk.
Equals & Alternatives is a video series where writer and fitness coach, Mike Vacanti (me) reviews popular food choices. Some people will say the show is dumb. They will say it is too simple and below my pay grade. I disagree. Here’s why: The other day, my own mother asked me, “Michael, what are macros?” I’ve been blabbing about… Read more
Mike! Why don’t you ever write anymore?? That’s me in the picture. I’m sad. Mostly, because I seem to never write. But also, because my intermittent fasting regimen didn’t include the ice cream breakfast I so desperately wanted. Writing Problem Solved: Under the Blog section, you will now see both “Articles” and “Short Posts.” Shorts posts: 200-500 words… Read more